Efficiency of diet therapy in the treatment of idiopathic hypercalcuria in children


Mikheeva Nataliya M.1,Zverev Ya. F.1,Vykhodtseva G. I.1,Lobanov Yu. F.1


1. Altai State Medical University


Idiopathic hypercalciuria (IHC) is referred to a common metabolic disorders and considered to be the one of the main reasons for the development of nephrolithiasis. The aim of the study is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of such adequate diet for the use in IHC children. Materials and Methods. The study included 44 children aged from 1 year to 14 years (10 boys and 34 girls, mean age: 5,1 ± 0,4 years) with revealed IHC at the level when calcium/creatinine ratio exceeded 0.6 mmol/mmol at normal levels of calcium and PTH in the blood plasma. Children with diagnosed ICH were prescribed a low sodium and high potassium diet with increased fluid intake for 3 months without additional medication. Results. Against the background of diet therapy 55,6% of children (10 people) reported a decrease in the face pastosity. In 10 out of 13 children (76,9%) with the previous oliguria the daily amount of urine increased significantly, which was accompanied by a decrease in urine specific gravity. Dysuric disorders were eliminated in 4 patients. In 3 months hematuria was not detected in the analysis of urine in 5 (50%) of children. Among the children who had a combination of some clinical and laboratory signs of the IHC, the complete elimination occurred in 71% of cases. The value of calcium/ creatinine ratio was normalized in 26 (59%) patients. Conclusion. Thus, the use of a diet with low sodium and elevated potassium content in conjunction with the increase in volume of consumed liquid within 3 months promotes both the disappearance of symptoms of IHC and normalization of calcium excretion in over 50% of children without prescription ofpharmaceuticals.


National Medical Research Center for Childrens Health

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