1. V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health
Aim. To evaluate the frequency of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in patients with systemic scleroderma (SSD) and elucidate clinical features of SSD with and without concomitant PH. Materials and methods. The study included 206 patients (189 women and 17 men) with SSD treated in Rheumatological Department, Saratov Regional Hospital. Clinical features, results of echocardiography and external respiration function (ERF) studies were analyzed in SSD patients with and without concomitant PH. Results. PH was documented in 33% of the patients. Their clinical condition, changes in left and right hear as well as ERF were elucidated. Conclusion. The study confirmed the high informative value of echocardiography used to evaluate ERF in patients with SSD and the possibility to apply this method for screening PH in SSD patients. The risk factors of PH in SSD patients include advanced age, apnoea, disturbed ERF, and sclerodactylia.
Medical Informational Agency Publishers
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