Contrast-induced acute kidney injury in a planned endovascular interventions on the coronary arteries.


Vershinina Elena O.1,Repin A. N.1


1. Cardiology Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center the Russian Academy of Sciences


Was performed a retrospective analysis of the frequency of contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) after the elective endovascular interventions on the coronary arteries in patients with stable coronary heart disease (CAD). CI-AKI was found in 23 patients (15,5%). Patients with CI-AKI initially significantly more likely to suffer chronic kidney disease (CKD), had higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) before coronary intervention, received a significantly larger dose of the contrast medium, determines the ratio of the volume of the entered contrast medium to the glomerular filtration rate (VC/GFR). Predictors of CI-AKI, associated with the characteristics of patients are history of CKD (OR = 9,2; 95% CI 2,89-29,25; p <0,001) and COPD (OR = 4,07; 95% CI 1,23-13,5; p = 0,015), increased ESR before PCI ≥11,5 mm/h (AUC = 0,677; 95% CI 0,539-0,815; p = 0,025). Predictors of CI-AKI, associated with the conduct of the PCI procedure, are the ratio VC/GFR≥3,25 (AUC=0,633; 95% CI 0,505-0,762; р=0,042) and complications of arterial puncture site (OR = 1,23; 95% CI 1,13-1,33, p = 0,025). According to the analysis of Kaplan-Meier probability of overall survival and survival without fatal cardiovascular events in 7 years after the index PCI was significantly higher in the group of patients without CI-AKI.


Medical Informational Agency Publishers


General Medicine

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