The infectious socially significant diseases in places of imprisonment


Mikhaylova Yu. V.1,Nechaeva Olga B.1,Samarina E. A.1,Tikhonova Yu. V.1,Shikina I. B.2


1. The central research institute for health organization and informatics

2. The central research institute for health organization and informatics; The central state medical academy


In places of imprisonment of Russia the system of registration and monitoring ofpatients is the same as in civil health care. This system includes data on detection, diagnostic, treatment and dispensary observation of socially significant diseases. The obtained information is summarized with data concerning civil population and then is passed to Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and profile research institutes within the framework of common federal and sectoral report forms. The systematic medical examinations, intensification of activities of infection control, support of effective treatment and coordination of measures between Ministry of Justice of Russia and Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, international partners favored dramatic decreasing of indicator of morbidity of contingents ofpenitentiary system (up to 2.7 times during 1999-2015). Nowadays, the epidemic situation on tuberculosis in institutions of the penal executive system can be characterized as stable and controlled and having tendency to amelioration. Overall, as compared with Russian national average indices (2015), in places of imprisonment morbidity is higher: with tuberculosis 19,4 times, HIV-infection - in 26,9 times, syphilis - in 8.9 times. Among primarily registered patients of Federal penitentiary service of Russia in investigative isolation ward s in 2015 were detected 46% with tuberculosis, 84.6% with HIV-infection, 96.6% with syphilis. The number of patients infected with HIV-infection in contrast with tuberculosis has no tendency to decreasing in places of imprisonment. In 2015 percentage of infected individuals in institutions of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia began to increase in the structure of morbidity of HIV-infection in Russia in general. The cause of death of deceased with combined pathology (tuberculosis + HIV-infection) is HIV-infection mainly because almost in 90% HIV-infection has late stages. This indirectly testifies presence ofproblems related to detection of infection socially significant diseases among socially deadapted persons in civil health care.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health Policy

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