Human Enhancement in the Context of Disability (Bioethical Considerations from the Perspective of Transhumanism)


Breczko Anetta1ORCID


1. University of Bialystok , Poland


Abstract In the present paper we examine several problems associated with medical development in the field of human-enhancing technologies, particularly with respect to disability. The subject of our considerations partly focuses on the fact that progress in biotechnology and information technology in medicine has contributed to the elimination of diseases and various health disorders (including some aspects of disability). Furthermore, we centre our attention on the dilemma of increasing the efficiency and activity of those who are ‘fully functional’, by introducing, among others, the available exo-extensions (such as exo-prostheses), endo-implantation and reprogenetics (such as PDG and CRISPR methods). Finally, we point out several ethical and legal doubts surrounding the apparent intention of creating a transhumanist vision of the ‘perfect human being’ (‘post-human’, ‘bionic human’, ‘human cyborg’).


University of Bialystok

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