Problem agencji z perspektywy menedżera spoza rodziny na przykładzie wybranej firmy rodzinnej


Kielan ŁukaszORCID, ,Pełczewski Maciej WładysławORCID,


Purpose – The purpose of the article is to present the problem of an agency from the perspective of a manager managing a family business. The authors will present a theoretical outline, then analyse the results of research carried out on a selected family enterprise and present a problem management model. Research method – The study uses classical research methods, such as the analysis of the literature on the subject, as well as a single-case study. Result – Presenting the perspective of a manager, from outside the family, managing a family business, as well as solutions minimizing the conflict between agent and principal. Conclusions – In this case, the authors presented the results of research in a company in which part of the management is assigned to the manager. In the light of the already knownresearch of companies in Poland, there are very few such examples, which was a research gap that the authors wanted to fill.


University of Bialystok


General Medicine

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