Poziom dochodu a wzrost gospodarczy i jego wahania na świecie


Swadźba StanisławORCID,


Purpose – The aim of the article is to show the impact of differences in the level of income on the rate of economic growth and its fluctuations in various regions of the world economy. Research method – Various research methods were used: descriptive analysis, comparative analysis and analysis of statistical data on economic growth in the global economy and its regions. The division of the world according to the World Bank into: “low‑income economies”, “lower middle‑income economies”, “upper middle‑income economies” and “high‑income economies”. Results – The average annual rate of economic growth measured by the level of GDP and GDP per capita and its fluctuations vary in individual groups of countries depending on the level of income. Low‑income countries cope the worst with economic growth and its stability. In turn, the highest rate of economic growth and a relatively smaller problem with its cyclicality are characteristic of countries with higher middle income. Lower‑middle-income countries are closer to this group (greater similarity) than high‑income countries. Originality / value / implications / recommendations – The article addresses issues that are rarely discussed in the literature. What is worth emphasizing is the time scope of the research, which covers the last 40 years. Thus, it fills the existing research gap to some extent.


University of Bialystok

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