
Oliynyk O.


The article considers the evolution of China’s policy of participation in international development, as well as the periodization of the main stages of development of China’s international relations with the world. It is established that China’s international cooperation and participation in international development have provided China with world recognition and international prestige. As a result of the analysis of the policy of international cooperation, the main priorities, directions and measures of the policy of international cooperation of China were revealed. After the formation of China, the country’s leadership preferred China’s cooperation with the Soviet Union and developing countries. If through cooperation with the USSR, China attracted technology, credit resources and specialists, then by cooperating with developing countries, China provided international assistance to the newly independent countries. Due to differences in political views between the USSR and China on development strategy and foreign policy priorities, relations between the USSR and China were frozen. As a result, China is declaring a policy of «non-alignment». Public diplomacy played an important role in shaping China's positive image in the international arena. As China’s position in the world has strengthened, so do China's tactics of international cooperation with developing countries has also changed. Gradually, China has been transforming from a donor to a global investor. China is becoming an active supporter of the intensification of the globalization of the world economy. It’s revealed China's leadership has been linked China’s future with increased involvement in global governance. China's political circles believe that the world needs greater political coordination, financial integration, infrastructural connectivity, impartial trade and human relations. China is pursuing its vision of global governance in the «One Belt, One Road» global initiative. China sees the future of human civilization in the joint development and creation of a world community of a common destiny.


The State Institution - Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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