
Гриньова Ірина,Далібор Крамаріч,Желько Кос,Петріман В’ячеслав


The main factors affecting the load-bearing capacity of new and damaged stone structures are given. One of the most common types of damage to stone buildings is their cracking. According to statistics, the most frequent reasons for the formation of cracks in stone structures are: uneven settlement of foundations, load on structures, temperature deformations, moisture deformations. The load-bearing capacity of walls depends on the compressive strength of bricks and mortar, but it is difficult to make correct assumptions about these values. The main goal of the work is the analysis of the current state of affairs in the study of the technical condition of cultural heritage objects, the main types of damage and their causes. In order to improve the methodology of the non-destructive research method, laboratory tests were conducted in the OSACEA laboratory. Based on the obtained experimental data, it was proposed to model stone pillars with damage similar to the actual experiment in the SP ANSYS software complex.


Publishing House Young Scientist



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