Zhang Yu-Feng ,Yan Qing-You ,
A subalgerbra 1, which is equivalent to the subalgebra of the loop al gebra 2 in “1997 Acta Math. Sin. 40 801”, is constructed by making use of algebraic t ransformation. Then a high-dimensional loop algebra is presented in terms of 1. An isospectral problem is established following by the use of direc t sum ope rators and isomorphic relations among subalgebras. It follows that a type of exp anding integrable system for the NLS_mKdV hierarchy of evolution equations is ob tained. As in reduction cases, the integrable couplings of the famous Schrding er equation and mKdV equation are presented.
Acta Physica Sinica, Chinese Physical Society and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
General Physics and Astronomy
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11 articles.