Khoeriah N. Dede,Effendi Zulfa Rahmah,Astuti Eka Yuli,Nugroho Yuli Sutoto
Project Based Learning (PBL) is a student-oriented learning approach based on activities or projects. This study aims to describe the PBL learning model for students in vocational education courses for children with intellectual disabilities. This research focuses on vocational learning for students with modality-based intellectual disabilities; syntax implementation in the PBL model and lesson plans. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that through PBL learning there was an increase in student competence in the following aspects: 1) Understanding of the concept of the PBL learning model; 2) the ability to analyze Competencies, especially the mapping of competency units from the Special Competency Standards for Persons with Disabilities in accordance with aspects of knowledge and skills in Competencies; 3) competency in compiling task analysis; 4) competence in understanding the modalities of students with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, the PBL learning model strategy needs to be continuously implemented to form good competence for students as prospective special education teachers.
Angstrom Centre of Education Journal Management
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