Anggraeni Rezty,Sunardi Sunardi,Aprilia Imas Diana
Basically, people with intellectual disabilities physically and hormonally develop like non-disabled people, they experience puberty when they reach their teenage years – menstruation for girls and wet dreams for boys – which has an influence such as getting to know and liking the opposite sex, feeling love, the desire to have a romantic relationship or marriage. Therefore, it is very important to talk about aspects of sexuality, reproductive rights and their risks in the context of formal school education. The purpose of this research is to find out the understanding of the concept of puberty for persons with intellectual disabilities. This study uses a qualitative approach, data collection is done by means of observation and interviews. This research was conducted at the Special School. The results of this study describe that people with intellectual disabilities need special handling in learning about reproductive health and sexuality, besides that the closest community groups in the environment of people with intellectual disabilities are not fully aware and able to provide an understanding of reproductive health and sexuality for adolescents with intellectual disabilities.
Angstrom Centre of Education Journal Management
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