Is to to assess the efficacy and safety of vaginal misoprostol plus isosorbide mononitrate versus misoprostol in termination of anembryonic pregnancy. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Woman’s Health Hospital, Assiut University. Methods: 108 women scheduled for termination of anembryonic pregnancy were recruited were assigned randomly to vaginal misoprostol 800 g plus isosorbide mononitrate 40 mg or vaginal misoprostol 800 g plus placebo .The efficacy of the medication was evaluated by predetermined outcome variables for Successful expulsion of gestational sac in both groups and need for surgical interference. Results: The two groups were comparable with respect to age, parity, gestational age and surgical evacuation of uterine contents in both groups, successful expulsion of gestational sac and adverse effects of the drugs. Women receiving misoprostol plus IMN showed the number of complete abortion rates are higher compared to misoprostol plus placebo (41 Versus 28 cases, p=0.009), significantly shorter intervals from the beginning of the induction to the beginning of the expulsion of gestational sac (22cases.