Holistic Herbs – A Natural Aresnal for Contention between Bugs and Drugs



Nosocomial infections are one of the major causes of disease globally, leading to the most frequent adverse events in healthcare setups worldwide [1]. Millions of patients are affected by nosocomial infections each year globally, bringing about significant mortality and economic losses in healthcare systems. At any given time, the prevalence of health care-associated infections in developed countries varies between 3% to 15% [2]. Moreover, nosocomial infections are becoming even more complicated to treat as antibiotic resistance surfaces up. Recent reports from Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) have indicated that nosocomial infections accounts for approximately 2 million infections and 90,000 deaths per year, out of which nearly 23% deaths are attributed to reemerging antibiotic resistant pathogens [3]. Antibiotics comprising bactericidal or bacteriostatic chemotherapeutic agents are presently the only available therapeutic option for the management and deterrence of infectious diseases. However, several drug resistant microbes are emerging as a result of continuous mutations, there by restraining the efficacy of such pharmaceuticals [4]. Over use of antibiotics imposes selective pressure on a specific population of bacteria, thereby allowing the resistant bacteria to thrive and the susceptible bacteria to die off[5].



Reference17 articles.

1. Guggenbichler JP, Assadian O, Boeswald M, et al. (2011) Incidence and clinical implication of nosocomial infections associated with implantable biomaterials - catheters, ventilator-associated pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. GMS Krankenhhyg Interdiszip; 6(1): 18- 27.

2. Scherbaum M, Kösters K, Mürbeth RE, et al. (2014) Incidence, pathogens and resistance patterns of nosocomial infections at a rural hospital in Gabon. BMC Infect Dis; 4(14): 124- 132.

3. PhuVD, WertheimHF, Larsson M, et al. (2016) Burden of hospital acquired infections and antimicrobial use in Vietnamese adult intensive care units. PLoS One; 11(1): e0147544-0147550.

4. Davies J, Davies D (2010) Origins and evolution of antibiotic resistance. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev; 74(3): 417-433.

5. Hawkey PM (2008) The growing burden of antimicrobial resistance. J Antimicrob Chemothe; 62(1): i1-9.








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