The aim of study was to determine the relationships between morphological characteristics of roosters and fertility in broiler breeders at different age periods. A total of 48 roosters and 480 hens Ross 308 broiler breeder were used. The body weight, comb width and length, wattle width and length, and tarsus length of roosters were measured for morphological characteristics at 42, and 53 weeks of age. A total of 1500 eggs were incubated at 37.7 °C and 50-55% relative humidity for 18 d, then eggs were incubated at 36.6 °C and 60% relative humidity for 3 d. The effect of age on comb length, comb index (P=0.002), wattle width (P=0.008), wattle area (P=0.015) and tarsus length were found significant (P=0.000). There were correlations between body weight and fertility at 53 weeks of age (r = 0.663; P<0.05). There was no correlation between fertility and comb length, comb width, comb area, comb index, wattle width, wattle area, wattle index, and tarsus length at 42 and 53 weeks of age (P>0.05). In conclusion; some characteristics based on external appearance are used for male selection in broiler breeders, but no relationship was found between investigated morphological characteristics and fertility, except for body weight.
Tavukculuk Arastirma Dergisi
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