




The concept of sustainability, which can be summarized as a balance between Dec environment, equality and the economy, is one of the most important concepts today. The concept of sustainability, the use of these resources, where resources are limited long-term priorities and consequences by considering refers to the wise use. Especially a cleaner world for future generations, focusing on the idea of leaving a healthy environment both governments today the concept in question, both in terms of social responsibility towards the environment refers to both brands and consumers. Nowadays, the increase in the practices in which institutions and brands show sensitivity to the environment has enabled consumers to create awareness about the issue. In particular, it has been mentioned that consumers, along with their respect for ecology, take responsibility in an individual sense and turn to “environmentally friendly” practices and adopt environmentally friendly forms of consumption. Today, the interest in second-hand consumption in the world and in our country has contributed to the expansion of the second-hand Sunday and encouraged consumers to buy and sell used products again. Today, the importance given to the issue of “sustainability”, the war on unnecessary industrial waste, the desire to get to products that are produced for a certain period and are no longer in production increase the number of second-hand stores, and this situation leads to an increase in online second-hand stores. “Treasure hunting”, “the exciting atmosphere of the bargain,” “online auctions” for reasons such as the preferred second-hand consumption is nowadays considered as one of the ways to sustainable fashion consumption. The aim of this study is to contribute to the literature by considering the issue of second-hand consumption in the context of the concept of “sustainability”. In addition, it is thought that this study will give new ideas about economic, ecological and social sustainability on the basis of second-hand consumption by offering a different perspective to today's marketing experts.


Kritik Iletisim Calismalari Dergisi

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