Tabloid journalism can be considered as a field of journalism that has a strong impact with its current forms of discourse. As a matter of fact, in this field of journalism, news is presented through descriptive expressions and drama elements. The sensationalism factor appears at this point, and it is aimed to make tabloid news interesting and intriguing. When the possibilities of internet technology in the field of new media are considered, it can be claimed that sensational elements can be included more in news presentation styles. Therefore, in this study, it was aimed to reveal how sensationalism is reflected in tabloid news in the internet media. Accordingly, first of all, a conceptual framework was created, and then the data of two different tabloid news sites were examined with discourse analysis. In the news analyses conducted in the context of thematic and schematic structure, the visibility of sensationalism was discussed under six different categories. Consequently, it was found that tabloid news made use of sensational elements in the field of new media.
Kritik Iletisim Calismalari Dergisi
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