AbstractsThe abstract of this article authors several points, among others:Firstly, Purpose of Article; to analyze labour regulation concerning income provision towards welfare for employers in Indonesia. Secondly, Scope of Work; that the legal implementation focuses on Indonesian labor law arrangements, and then concerning pressures relevant to income as international standard for laborers, and demand for wage acceptance as facility for labor welfare, and also labor law dispute settlement in Indonesian welfare system. Thirdly, Legal Methodology; refers to qualitative research with secondary materials from normative and empirical sources, also by conducting legal comparison from other countries outside of Indonesia. Fourthly, Result Summary; pertaining to systemic implementation of Indonesian labour regulation as stipulated in written constitution, that ”Each citizen shall reserve the rights for adequate employment and income based on sustainable standards (Article 27 paragraph (2), 1945 Indonesian Constitution). The income pressure for International labour standards via ILO has created a standard system to protect the rights of labourers binding themselves in an agreement, based on ILO Convention No.89 Year 1949 which instigated the birth of Law Number 18 Year 1956 concerning Ratification of ILO Convention No. 80 Year 1957. Demands for income to be accepted as labour welfare has yet to reiterate the importance of wage component in applicable labor law (Law Number 13 Year 2003 concerning Employment) since it allows Governor in each province to regulate the measurement of labour’s wage on annual basis. Similarly with labor trial pattern which only allows Industrial Relations Court and not solely referring to labour arbitration institution as expected from ILO and WTO as international organizations. Fifthly, Conclusion; that systemic reformulation of labour regulation in order to achive welfare in Indonesia still requires the participation or internal demand from labourers and pressure from international labour institution. Keywords: Income Regulation, Indonesian Labour Welfare.
LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
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