Nurses' Views on Palliative Care and Death: A Qualitative Study
Container-title:Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Dergisi
ALINCAK Gamze1, ACAVUT Gamze2, SOYASLAN Bilge Dilek2, ZENGİN Hilal3
Introduction: Palliative care is a multidimensional care approach that aims to improve the quality of life. Nurses who take an active role in the palliative care process face many difficulties in the care process.
Purpose: This study, it was aimed to determine the professional life experiences, palliative care nursing practices, and perspectives on the death of nurses working in the palliative care clinic.
Methods: The population of the study, which was conducted in a qualitative study design, consists of 13 nurses working in the palliative care clinic of a training and research hospital. Grouping was not made, and the entire universe was reached. The data of the study were collected between 15.01.2022 and 15.02.2022. The collected data were evaluated by the content analysis method and thematic coding was done.
Results: It was calculated that all of the participants were women, and the average age was 33.30±7.45 (min:23, max:47). The average working year in the profession was determined as 10.92±7.80 (min:2, max:25), and the working period in the palliative care clinic was determined as 2.15±1.21 (min:1, max:5) years. As a result of the descriptive and interpretive analyzes of the data, 5 main themes and 19 sub-themes were created. 4 sub-themes for the main theme of palliative care nursing approaches, 3 sub-themes for the main theme of feelings and thoughts of nurses providing palliative care, 3 sub-themes for the main theme of nurses' perception of death, 4 sub-themes for the main theme of nurses caring for the dying patient. The theme, nurses' motivation resources, and 5 sub-themes were determined.
Conclusion: In our study, it was determined that nurses mostly focused on increasing the quality of life, self-care practices, and symptom management in palliative care. In addition, it was determined that the nurses had difficulties in giving care to the dying patient. In this context, it is recommended that to give in-service training to nurses on issues such as caring for the dying patient and supporting the family during the grief process.
University of Health Sciences Turkey
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