Andini Silvia,Virginia Gloria,Hartini Sri
<p>Tujuan dari penelitian adalah menentukan pengaruh penambahan tepung belut pada proses pembuatan tempe terhadap kadar protein, lemak, dan asam lemak tempe yang dihasilkan. Data kadar protein dan lemak dianalisis menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 5 perlakuan dan 6 kali pengulangan dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Jujur dengan tingkat kebermaknaan 5%. Komposisi asam lemak dianalisis dengan kromatografi gas yang terhubung dengan spektrofotometer massa. Tempe juga diuji sensorik oleh 15 panelis berdasarkan uji kesukaan. Kadar protein dan kadar lemak tempe meningkat seiring dengan penambahan tepung belut dari 0% sampai 7,5%, yaitu 22,20% hingga 32,31% dan 8,53% hingga 17,53% berturut-turut. Akan tetapi, peningkatan kadar penambahan tepung belut belum tentu meningkatkan kesukaan panelis terhadap tempe yang dihasilkan dan disajikan dalam bentuk digoreng. Uji sensorik menunjukkan bahwa tempe dengan 3% penambahan tepung belut adalah tempe yang paling disukai, dengan perolehan skor 3,87; 4,20; 3,93; dan 4,40 berturut-turut untuk parameter tesktur, aroma, rasa, dan kenampakan, di mana skor 3, 4, dan 5 secara berurutan berarti netral, disukai, dan sangat disukai. Komposisi asam lemak dalam tempe belut 0%, 3%, dan 7,5% berturut-turut adalah 14,28%; 17,22%; 12,36% asam heksadekanoat, 37,56%; 43,67%; 36,19% asam linoleat, 32,96%; 33,05%; 34,94% asam oktadekenoat, dan 3,00%; 3,87%; 2% asam oktadekanoat. Dengan demikian, penambahan tepung belut sebanyak 7,5% mampu meningkatkan kandungan asam lemak tak jenuh dan menurunkan kandungan asam lemak jenuh.</p><p><em>The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of eels flour addition in tempeh on protein content, fat content and fatty acid content of tempeh. The protein and fat contents were analyzed using Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with 5 treatments (0; 3; 4.5; 6; and 7.5% eels flour additions) and 6 replications. The differences among means of every treatment were calculated by using Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) with 5% level of significance. The fatty acidcomposition wasdetermined by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometer (GC-MS). Tempeh was assessed using organoleptic test with 15 panelists to find out which tempeh was favored. The protein and fat contents of tempeh increased along with 0% to 7.5%eels flour addition; they were, respectively, 22.20 to 32.31% and 8.53 to 17.53%. Tempeh with 3% eels flour addition was most favored. The organoleptic scores for tempeh with 3% eels flour addition were 3.87 for texture, 4.20 for smell, 3.93 for taste, and 4.40 for appearance, in which the scores of 3, 4, and 5 meant neutral, liked, and very liked, respectively. The fatty acid compositions in tempeh with 0%, 3% and 7.5% eels flour addition were 14.28%, 17.22%, and 12.36% hexadecanoic acid consecutively, 37.56%, 43.67%, and 36.19% linoleic acid concecutively, 32.96%, 33.05%, and 34.94% octadec-16-enoic acid consecutively, and 3.00%, 3.87%, and 2% octadecanoic acid consecutively. The addition of eels flour as much as 7.5% could increase the unsaturated fatty acids content and lower the saturated fatty acids content.</em></p>