Evaluation of the Differentiated Learning Training Program at The Mathematics Subject Teachers’ Meeting (MGMP)


Karim AbdulORCID,Anriani Nurul


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differentiated learning training program at the mathematics subject teachers' meeting (MGMP). A descriptive quantitative approach was used to identify the successes of the program and areas that require improvement. The sample included 21 mathematics teachers in Sub Rayon 2 of Lebak District. The instruments used were questionnaires in which data on participants' responses to resource persons, materials, and suggestions for future activities were collected, and the results of direct observations.  Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistical methods to describe the overall evaluation results. Based on the findings, it is expected to provide an in-depth view of the differentiated learning program, contribute to the development of the program in the future, and become a guideline for improving the quality of mathematics learning in the Lebak district. The results of this training program evaluation show that the differentiated learning training activities have been well implemented in MGMP Mathematics Sub Rayon 2 Lebak District. This is evidenced by the level of teacher satisfaction in participating in the training, the majority of which were at scores 4 and 5, namely agreeing and strongly agreeing. This was also the case with the resource persons, materials, and training facilities, and organization. It is hoped that in the future continue to carry out ongoing training related to differentiated learning by current needs and to improve the competence of mathematics teachers in particular, as well as teachers of other subjects in general.


Natural Aceh

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