Utilising genetically engineered PGPRs to remediate highly contaminated soil could help to reduce food and fibre production's negative environmental impact. Since the discovery of rhizobia, commercially produced rhizobia inoculants have been available and the usage of PGPR has increased significantly in India recently as a result of improved knowledge about farming techniques. Many substances that are considered hazardous by regulations can be converted into non-hazardous products. The completion of bioremediation can be impacted by a few factors in which abiotic and biotic factors are both included. The most hazardous and chronic contaminants in the soil include heavy metals, metalloids and radionuclides. PGPR was discovered to be effective in combination with certain contaminant-degrading bacteria and another prominent technique for microbially assisted soil remediation is biological reduction. By transferring heavy metal (loids) resistant bacteria to other microbial species, the efficacy of biomedicine can be improved. The development of biofilm helps to detoxify the heavy metals, which is done by enhancement of ability of tolerance of the microbes.
Agricultural & Environmental Technology Development Society