Background and Purpose: This study’s aim was to examine the persuasive effects of a blue documentary (BD), representing marine life extinction on viewers’ perceptions and their attitudinal change toward conservation.
Methodology: This study selected 36 participants using purposive sampling technique, according to the characteristics of their location and age categories. A total of 72 semi-structured interviews were conducted in two stages – the pre- and post-viewing of the documentary. A documentary program of Lestari Ujana Marin (LUM) was the media text used in gathering the necessary data. The data were then perused qualitatively through the employment of thematic analysis.
Findings: The findings suggest that the participants’ perceptions and attitudinal changes were more positive toward marine life conservation after being exposed to the documentary. The attitudinal changes have been sustainable and exhibited through the participants’ real actions in supporting marine life conservation.
Contributions: This study paves the way for collaboration between experts in different fields, such as filmmakers, oceanologists, and non-governmental organizations, who are fundamentally concerned in disseminating knowledge about environmental conservation for the benefits of future generations.
Keywords: Media, blue documentary, persuasion, pro-conservation, marine life, young generation.
Cite as: Mat, N. H., Rashid, R. A., Che Noh, C. H., & Said Al-Rawahi, M. A. (2021). The effects of blue documentaries on viewers’ perceptions and attitudinal change toward marine life conservation. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 6(2), 379-402. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol6iss2pp379-402