Japan Society of Colour Material
Reference5 articles.
1. 1) Shepard, J. et al. : USP, 3,152,903.
2. 2) Nieset, R. T : “The Basis of the Kalvar System of Photography”, Journ. Phot. Sci., 10,188 (1962)
3. 5) Sprague, R. H. et al. : Phot. Sci. Eng., 5, 98 (1961)
4. 13) Lawton, W. R. : “Thermographic Processes” TAPPI 5 th. Graphic Arts Conference (1968)
5. 14) Puterbaugh, W. H. et al. : “A New Printing Principle” Proc. Spring Joint Computer Conference, 121-124 (1967) Joyce, R. D. et al. : “High-Speed. Thermal Printing” Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conference, 261-267 (1967)