A Hybrid Fault Diagnosis Method Using Translation Invariant Wavelet Denoising, Hierarchical Entropy, and Support Vector Machine with PSO Algorithm


Tomar Arvind Singh,Jayaswal Pratesh


The rolling element bearing is used in various machinery and produces vibration due to imperfections, surface irregularities during manufacture, damaged bearings, and inaccuracies in the allied element. Also, the rolling element bearing vibration generally shows non-linear dynamic characteristics and is masked with heavy background noise. This noble investigation advances a hybrid technique for removing background noise from the vibration signal and detecting bearing defects. Translation invariant wavelet denoising is the initial stage in this hybrid method for noise removal from the signal. The second phase uses Hierarchical Entropy (HE) for defect feature frequency extraction. Hierarchical entropy at scale four and SampEns of eight hierarchical decomposition nodes was utilized to determine the defect feature vector. In particular, low-frequency components are investigated through multi-scale entropy (MSE), but hierarchical entropy (HE) incorporates low-frequency and high-frequency components and can extract more defective information. Implemented a multi-class support vector machine (SVM) for extracting Hierarchical entropy as feature vectors. These feature vectors are trained by utilizing particle swarm optimization (PSO). To accomplish a prediction model, examine the optimal SVM parameters and then various bearing conditions with the variation of type, size, speed, and load severity identified by SVM. The investigation results show that hierarchical entropy can adequately and more precisely express the features of bearing vibration signals. It is beyond MSE, and the proposed Nobel hybrid Translation invariant wavelet denoising and Hierarchical entropy-based method will effectively remove the noisy background signal. Also, it distinguishes different bearings successfully, indicates the bearing conditions correctly, and is more prominent than those found on MSE.


International Information and Engineering Technology Association


Electrical and Electronic Engineering








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