Classroom Teachers' Views on Persuasive Writing Teaching in Primary School


ZELZELE Emine Birgül1,ATEŞ Seyit1




The main purpose of this research is to determine the views of classroom teachers on teaching analytical type of persuasive writing. The research was designed as a descriptive situation determination. The study group of the research consists of classroom teachers who voluntarily took part in the research. Because of the Covid 19 pandemic conditions, a population-sample definition was not made in the study. Convenience sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods, were used to determine the participants. As a data collection tool, a questionnaire consisting of three questions, one of them is optional and two of which are open-ended, was used. After obtaining the ethics committee's permission, the access link of the questionnaire, which was transferred to the digital environment, was shared with the participants, and those who voluntarily participated in the study were asked to fill in the form. In the study, in which 1202 participants participated, frequency, percentage, and descriptive analyzes were carried out on the data. The findings obtained from the research are presented in themes under the related survey questions. The majority of the participants expressed a positive opinion about teaching persuasive writing starting from the primary education. However, some participants hesitate on persuasive writing and find this unnecessary. It is understood that the participants do not consider themselves sufficient enough in teaching persuasive writing and they need training and various resources. Based on these findings, various suggestions were made.


Okuma Yazma Egitimi Arastirmalari


Microbiology (medical),Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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