Essays of a “comparatively progressive” economist (On the 150th birth anniversary of Vladimir Geleznoff)


Popov Viktor A.ORCID


Deep comprehension of the advanced economic theory, the talent of lecturer enforced by the outstanding working ability forwarded Vladimir Geleznoff scarcely at the end of his thirties to prepare the publication of “The essays of the political economy” (1898). The subsequent publishing success (8 editions in Russia, the 1918­-year edition in Germany) sufficiently demonstrates that Geleznoff well succeded in meeting the intellectual inquiry of the cross­road epoch of the Russian history and by that taking the worthful place in the history of economic thought in Russia. Being an acknowledged historian of science V. Geleznoff was the first and up to now one of the few to demonstrate the worldwide community of economists the theoretically saturated view of Russian economic thought in its most fruitful period (end of XIX — first quarter of XX century).


NP Voprosy Ekonomiki


Economics and Econometrics,Finance

Reference14 articles.

1. Abalkin L. I. et al. (1994). Socio-economic situation in Russia: Results, problems, ways of stabilization. Voprosy Ekonomiki, No. 2, pp. 126—160.

2. Abalkin L. I. (2000). Russian school of economic thought: The search for self-identification. Moscow: Institute of Economics, RAS. (In Russian).

3. Abalkin L. I. (2009). Essays on the history of Russian socio-economic thought. Tambov: Derzhavin Tambov State University Publ. (In Russian).

4. Afanasyev M. P. (2005). Essays on the history of economic thought. Moscow: BDC-press. (In Russian).

5. Geleznoff V. Ya. (1916). The economic worldview of the ancient Greeks. In: V. Ya. Geleznoff, A. A. Manuylova (eds.). History of economic thought, Vol. 1, iss. 1. Moscow: Russkaya Pechatnya. (In Russian).







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