Russia and the World: How Sustainable is Economic Growth? Risks and Barriers


Ershov M.1


1. Institute of Energy and Finance; Financial University under the Government of RF


Relative stabilization of economic situation in a large number of countries is now coupled with the growing concerns about the political events. New US sanctions against Russia contribute to this. In economic sphere QE reduction plans, central bank balance sheet optimization which became excessively large, also create concerns. Growing interest of market participants to the high risk transactions, which is caused by lower volatility and low levels of yield, also raise doubts.


NP Voprosy Ekonomiki


Economics and Econometrics,Finance

Reference11 articles.

1. Bank of Russia (2017). Guidelines of the single state monetary policy for 2018 and the period of 2019—2020. Moscow. (In Russian).

2. Ershov M. (2015). The opportunities of growth in the environment of currency collapses in Russia and financial bubbles in the world. Voprosy Ekonomiki, No. 12, pp. 32—50. (In Russian).

3. Ershov M. (2016). On the mechanisms of growth of the Russian economy under conditions of worsening financial problems in the world. Voprosy Ekonomiki, No. 12, pp. 5—25. (In Russian).

4. Ministry of Finance of Russia (2017). Draft law “On the Federal budget for 2018 and the planning period 2019—2020”. Moscow. (In Russian).

5. Titov B. Yu. et al. (2017). Medium term program of social and economic development of Russia till 2025 “Strategy of growth”. Moscow: Stolypin Institute for the Economy of Growth. (In Russian).

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