Academic Freedom and the Standards of Behavior


Kouzminov Ya.1,Yudkevich M.1


1. State University - Higher School of Economics


The article analyzes the activity of university lecturer and researcher and the need for special mechanisms providing its efficiency. The authors consider academic freedom as a parameter of the university’s environment and discuss the convention regulating the relationship between lecturers and university management. The factors of the destruction of this convention are analyzed. The dynamic model of the lecturers’ behavior is proposed and two scenarios for the future development ("teaching ratchet" and "academic ratchet") as well as the factors of choice between them are discussed. The empirical data on the development and current state of the Russian educational system is also taken into account.


NP Voprosy Ekonomiki


Economics and Econometrics,Finance

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1. The Estimation of academic rent;Voprosy Ekonomiki;2014-10-20

2. A Political Economy Model of a Research University;Voprosy Ekonomiki;2009-07-20







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