Stabilization Fund Generation and Use


Gurvich E.1


1. Economic Expert Group


Comprehensive analysis of stabilization fund design and management as a macroeconomic tool is suggested. Restrictions on the use of windfall revenues, stemming from fiscal and monetary sustainability conditions are presented. It is stressed that additional spending of windfall revenues inevitably results in real appreciation of the ruble. According to medium-term macroeconomic projections, if current high export prices sustain, the use of windfall revenues may be gradually raised, but still spending money from the Stabilization Fund of RF will remain quite limited through the year 2008.


NP Voprosy Ekonomiki


Economics and Econometrics,Finance

Reference7 articles.

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1. Fiscal Rules and Countercyclical Fiscal Policy in Russia;Studies on Russian Economic Development;2024-05-28

2. Russia's Response to Crisis: The Paradox of Success;Europe-Asia Studies;2013-05







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