The brewing industry and its products represent an important economic indicator in the Czech Republic through which the health of the economy can be assessed. A significant problem can be seen in the regulation of marketing communication on the products of breweries by legislation. For this reason, there is a big boom in the creativity of beer labels and their impact on potential customers. The level and creativity of the label design reflect the perceived tradition of the brand, and vice-versa the influence of tradition on the design can be assumed – therefore a two-way link can be considered. The main objective of the paper is to find out potential factors, which influence customers’ purchase decision-making process in retail. The beer labels are considered a key marketing communication element, on which base target customers usually choose and buy beer. The research was realized by repertory grid (RG), on which participated young people, during September 2023. The RG concept was employed in 24 mini-focus groups (MFG) where respondents identified possible influencing factors of three beers’ labels on their potential purchase behavior. In realized 24 MFGs, there participated 3-6 members (a total of 119 persons). According to answers in the RG we defined seven influencing groups of factors with defined poles.
University of Saints Cyril and Methodius
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