Ghouth Abdulla Bin,Mahmoud Nuha
Background: The health authorities in Hadhramaut Valley and Desert responded to the COVID-19 pandemic differently from other areas in Yemen. Aims: To document the response of the local authority and Ministry of Health in Hadhramaut to COVID-19. Methods: The local authority in Syoun (Hadhramaut Valley) convened a meeting of all key players from the health and related sectors in February 2020 where a decision was made to establish a committee to evaluate the health situation and assess the needs. Based on the results of these assessments, a plan was designed to respond to the pandemic. We reviewed available documents on the COVID-19 response in Hadhramaut, interviewed the main stakeholders, and conducted site visits to the COVID-19 response centres. Results: There was evidence of the crucial role played by the local authority in response to COVID-19. They established 3 well-equipped isolation centres with a total of 142 beds, a stock of 2250 oxygen cylinders, 2 new polymerase chain reaction units, a simplified referral system, and an effective patient follow-up and oxygen home therapy strategy. Conclusion: Political commitment at the local level is crucial to bridge the gap between policy and implementation, especially during infectious disease outbreaks. It is important to train public health leaders on how to effectively assess local health needs and develop effective and efficient response strategy. Lessons from this study in Hadhramaut provide evidence on how local authorities can coordinate response to emerging health needs and update their strategies.
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO/EMRO)