1. API RP 10B-2 Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cements,
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2. API RP 10B-5 Recommended Practice on Determination of Shrinkage and Expansion of Well Cement Formulations at Atmospheric Pressure,
first edition. 2005. reaffirmed 2020. Washington, DC, USA: API. https://www.techstreet.com/api/pages/home.
3. ASTM C 39/C 39M-01 2001 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens,
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4. ASTM C469/C469M-14e1 2014 Standard Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio of Concrete in Compression, 2014. Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: ASTM International. (https://www.astm.org/products-services/standards-and-publications.html).
5. ASTM C496/C496M-17 2017 Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, 2017. Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: ASTM International. (https://www.astm.org/products-services/standards-and-publications.html).