1. "Welaptega asset-based mooring inspection results in cost savings for Premier Oil", May2020, https://www.oilandgasvisionjobs.com/news-item/welaptega-asset-based-mooring-inspection-results-in-cost-savings-for-premier-oil. (n.d.).
2. Study on Mooring System Integrity Management for Floating Structures, BSEE Contract # E14PC00038;ABSC,2015
3. API Recommended Practice 2FSIM, Structural Integrity Management of Floating Offshore Structures,2019
4. API Recommended Practice 2SIM, Structural Integrity Management of Fixed Offshore Structures,2014
5. API RP 2I, Recommended Practice for In-Service Inspection of Mooring Hardware for Floating Drilling Units,2008