Strategic Leadership and Crisis Management Skills of Secondary School Principals




1. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü


This research aims to determine the strategic leadership and crisis management skills of secondary school principals according to teachers' perceptions and to determine whether there is a meaningful relationship between them. It has been determined whether there is a significant difference between the perceptions of the teachers according to their gender, marital status, age, professional seniority, education level, and branches. The population of the research consisted of 27 public secondary schools in Buca district of İzmir province and 1430 teachers working in these schools in the 2020-2021 academic year. 313 teachers answered the measurement tool. In this study, a convenient/accidental sampling method was used. "Strategic Leadership Scale" and "Primary School Principals' Crisis Management Skills Scale" were used in the research. One of the scales used in addition to the demographic characteristics of teachers (gender, marital status, age, years of service, education level, branch) is “Strategic Leadership Scale” which consists of 35 items, “Primary School Principals' Crisis Management Skills Scale” consists of 31 items. In the strategic leadership scale, it is observed that teachers' perceptions of school principals' strategic leadership are positive. In the Primary School Principals' Crisis Management Skills Scale, it was concluded that teachers' perceptions of crisis management skills were positive. In the analysis of the relationship between the strategic leadership of secondary school principals and their crisis management skills, the correlation between strategic leadership sub-dimensions and crisis management skills sub-dimensions as a result of the Pearson Product Moments Correlation Coefficient was examined. A positive correlation was observed in the comparison of these dimensions. As a result of simple regression analysis, as the strategic leadership of managers increases, their crisis management skills also increase.


Dokuz Eylul University

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