The study, which was based on quantitative data, sought to shed light on how much ELF influences language learning goals for ESP learners, how they relate to the new ELF phenomena, and how far they are aware of the changing role of English, which was one of the least researched area in the literature. The findings indicated that the Turkish ESP students showed great awareness about the issue that today English is considered as a primary lingua franca that enables them to communicate and interact with others around the world. It was also revealed that besides that they did not place only native varieties of English or only native speakers in their English learning process, communicating with non-native speakers of English had more importance than native speakers of English in their purpose of ESP learning. They did not see the role of accuracy in English as an ultimate goal as long as intelligibility was achieved in communication. This article calls for more future research and effort devoted to enhancing ELF awareness in Turkish ESP programmes.