
Strelchenko Oksana G.ORCID,Korzh-Ikaieva Taisiіa G.ORCID,Polovina Anastasiia O.ORCID


Aim. To study the demographic situation affecting the voluntary social insurance of subjects of medico-legal relations who, fulfilling their professional duties as providers of medical services, do not always take care of their own life and health and are not insured, and consumers of such services, who also do not realize the severity of their disease and the risks of the need for treatment. Materials and methods. In the course of an in-depth study on the introduction of voluntary medical social insurance, 500 medical workers were interviewed about the feasibility and necessity of introducing medical social insurance in health care institutions of the Kyiv region. The results showed that the majority of medical professionals do not support the introduction of any type of insurance (76%) on the grounds that it will not cover the costs of treatment. The results. As of January 1, 2024, the number of insured persons in the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine was 3,236,285 (in 2023, this number was 4,436,584, which indicates its decrease), of which: legal entities – 1,558,764, individuals – 1,677,521, voluntarily insured persons – 152. Based on the analysis of health care expenditures in comparison with the countries of the European Union for 2019-2023, it should be noted that 16.7% of GDP is spent on health care in the USA (at of GDP – 21.3 trillion USD), in Germany 11.1% (GDP – 3.8 billion USD), in Poland – 4.86% (GDP – 592 billion USD), in the Czech Republic – 7.4% (GDP – 414 billion US dollars), in Great Britain – 9.8% (GDP – 2830 billion US dollars) and in Hungary – 7.4% (GDP – 161 billion US dollars). Conclusions. The author formulates the main steps for increasing the legal recognition of the relevant categories and the role of both state social insurance and additional medical insurance in the process of providing and receiving medical services, in particular: 1) Medical services not covered by the medical insurance program and the contribution of an individual and legal entity in favor of the patient 2) clear definition of other cases in which medical services can be provided 3) development of pharmaceutical insurance; pharmaceutical insurance provides for the reimbursement of costs for the purchase of medicines and/or medical equipment; 4) increasing the level of cooperation between participants in the system of state financial guarantees of medical care for the population and private insurance companies; 5) simplification of the mechanism of introduction of additional medical insurance; 6) raising the level of public awareness.


State Institution of Science Research and Practical Center

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