The aim of the study was to determine the feasibility of using a probiotic bacterial complex in the form of a throat spray in the local treatment of acute viral tonsillitis based on the analysis of its clinical and microbiological efficacy.
Materials and methods. The randomized controlled trial involved 46 people with acute tonsillitis diagnosed on the basis of clinical and pharyngoscopic signs. According to the treatment received, patients were divided into 2 groups. Patients in the control group (23 people) were treated according to the unified clinical protocol "Tonsillitis". The main group included 23 patients who, in addition to the protocol treatment, received a probiotic agent in the form of a throat spray containing a complex of bacteria of the genus Bacillus. To exclude the bacterial etiology of acute tonsillitis, a modified Centor scale (McIsaac scale) was used. Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment was based on the study of the dynamics of clinical and pharyngoscopic signs of the disease, as well as the establishment of quantitative and qualitative changes in the microbiota of the palatine tonsils during treatment.
Results. The analysis of the dynamics of the main clinical and pharyngoscopic parameters indicates a more significant and rapid normalization in patients of the main group. The results of microbiological studies show that the use of a probiotic bacterial complex in the treatment of acute tonsillitis in patients of the main group contributed to the elimination of dysbiotic changes, restoration of the population level of the main representatives of the palatine tonsils microbiome and colonization resistance of the oropharynx.
Conclusions. It has been established that acute viral inflammation of the palatine tonsils occurs under conditions of quantitative and qualitative changes in the species composition of the microbiota of this biotope and is accompanied by an increase in dysbiotic disorders during the course of the disease. It has been confirmed that the use of a probiotic bacterial complex in the form of a spray in the local treatment of acute viral tonsillitis is appropriate due to its proven clinical and microbiological efficacy, and also makes it possible to refrain from premature administration of antibacterial chemotherapy.
State Institution of Science Research and Practical Center
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