
Shevchenko Olena P.ORCID,Bardov Pavlo V.ORCID,Borysenko Andrii A.ORCID,Antonenko Anna M.ORCID,Omelchuk Sergii T.ORCID,Kovalchuk Olexandr I.ORCID,Dema Olena V.ORCID


The skin is the most vulnerable organ when spraying pesticides on fields. Farmers are also exposed to pesticides during mixing, loading of pesticides, and when cleaning equipment and disposing of empty containers. The aim. To study and analyze the features of the risk of pesticides dermal exposure to professional contingents during treatments using the innovative 3RIVE 3D pesticide application technology. Materials and methods. The 3RIVE 3D innovative technological system of introducing was used to applicate Brigade 3Rive 3D, SC formulation. Field experiments on the study of working conditions when using the pesticide were conducted in various soil and climatic regions of Eastern Europe. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using a package of licensed statistical programs IBM SPSS StatisticsBase v.22 and MS Excel. Research results and discussion. During the conducted research, no bifenthrin contamination was found on the open skin of the operator and the tractor driver, who were processing corn crops with the Brigade 3Rive 3D, SC formulation. However, the operator's gloves were found to contain 0.025 mg of bifenthrin. Calculation of the unitless CASd value on the possibility of skin acute effects when applying the formulation showed that bifenthrin and the Brigade 3Rive 3D, SC formulation based on it are characterized by sufficient selectivity of action on the target object (CASd – 645 and 162, respectively, i.e. > 100) and a low level of danger acute dermal toxic effects for workers, which is due to low values of effective consumption rates. The real dermal risk of bifenthrin exposure when using the Brigade 3Rive3D, SC formulation was significantly lower compared to the risk of workers involved in “traditional” air treatment and treatment with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) (p=0.009-0.048 according to Wilcoxon's W-criterion); in comparison with rod and fan processing – it is non-significantly lower (р=0.262-1.000). There was a similar picture in comparison with the dermal aggravated risk – significantly lower in comparison with the risk of workers involved in “traditional” air treatment and processing with the help of UAVs (p=0.009 according to Wilcoxon's W-criterion); in comparison with rod and fan treatment – non-significantly lower (р=0.262-1.000). Conclusion. It was established that the studied active substance bifenthrin and the Brigade 3Rive 3D, SC formulation based on it are characterized by sufficient selectivity of dermal action on the target object and a low probability of acute dermal effects. A higher probability of acute inhalation poisoning than dermal exposure was revealed.


State Institution of Science Research and Practical Center

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