Introduction. The relevance of conducting this study is determined by the necessity to create organizational conditions and optimize the clinical-diagnostic aspect of medical care for patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and acute stroke. This aims to improve patients' quality of life by enhancing the effectiveness of medical care provision in Ukraine. This improvement is based on identifying the causes and analyzing deficiencies in medical care for these conditions.
The aim of the research is to investigate the specificity of deficiencies in providing medical care to patients with isolated traumatic brain injury and acute hemorrhagic stroke due to the rupture of cerebral arterial aneurysms based on a retrospective analysis of medical documentation, as well as the results of patient treatment in cases of discrepancies between clinical and forensic diagnoses concerning the primary, concomitant diseases, and their complications.
Materials and methods. Clinical assessment of the results of providing care to patients with traumatic brain injury and stroke was conducted through a retrospective analysis of medical documentation of patients who were hospitalized with these pathologies. The applied methods include clinical and laboratory investigations of homeostasis and metabolism parameters, and instrumental techniques.
Results. In the identified influence of the timing of the operation (within the first few days) and the breakthrough of blood in the subarachnoid space of the brain, including with intracranial hemorrhage as a result of a re-rupture of a cerebral arterial aneurysm, on the risk of lethal outcomes of surgical treatment, a rationale for searching ways to optimize therapeutic tactics in this category of patients was provided. This includes identifying defects and shortcomings in the organizational aspect of medical care.
Conclusions. Based on the analysis and identification of the most informative factors influencing the results of surgical treatment of cerebral aneurysms, a prediction system has been developed that allows calculating the probability of its outcome. The application of the forecast is advisable to consider in the prevention and timely detection of possible deficiencies in providing medical care to patients with stroke.
State Institution of Science Research and Practical Center
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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