
Oriekhova Oksana V.ORCID,Pavlenko Oleksandr I.ORCID,Varyvonchyk Denys V.ORCID,Kopach Kateryna D.ORCID


Introduction. Extraction of iron ore is accompanied by the formation of significant volumes of mine waters, which are characterized by high mineralization. In the process of draining mine waters into surface reservoirs without their proper purification from pollutants and demineralization, it poses a significant environmental hazard and a threat to human health. The high incidence of malignant neoplasms in the population of Ukraine requires new approaches to the development of ways and methods of prevention, taking into account all determinants, including environmental factors. Aim. Establishing the risk of developing malignant neoplasms in the population when re-using mine water. Materials and methods. The methodological approach to the comprehensive assessment of the state of mine waters of the Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin involved the use of a complex of hygienic, experimental, epidemiological and medical-statistical research methods. Results. We found that the concentrations of chemical substances exceed the maximum permissible levels for total mineralization by 22–25 times, by chloride content by 31–37 times, by suspended substances by 140–156 times, by iron by 4,4–4,9 times, and leads to changes in smell, colour, taste and increased aggressiveness of water to metals. Mine water of the Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin belongs to brines and is characterized as chloride-sulfate. The level of biochemical oxygen demand exceeds the maximum allowable standards by 2,64–2,76 times, and chemical oxygen consumption by 10–11 times, which can lead to a decrease in the oxygen content in natural reservoirs and create unsuitable conditions for the life of living organisms. The probability of developing malignant neoplasms for residents of the city of Kryvyi Rih is 0,05935, which is 15,71–23,62 times higher than the similar indicator for residents of the Dnipropetrovsk and Chernivtsi regions respectively. The additional (attributable risk) caused by environmental pollution is 0,05683 for residents of the city of Kryvyi Rih, while this indicator for residents of the Dnipropetrovsk region is 0,001264, which is 44,96 times lower. The need for a comprehensive approach to risk management is proven, which is based on a probabilistic assessment of the negative consequences of the impact of environmental factors on health and consists of certain stages: data collection and evaluation, impact and hazard assessment, environmental risk characterization. Conclusions. Taking into consideration the indicators of the content of chemicals in mine water and the analysis of the levels of morbidity of the population with malignant neoplasms, the need for mandatory cleaning and demineralization of mine water when it is reused is scientifically substantiated.


State Institution of Science Research and Practical Center

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