1. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. ASTM D 1238-90b: Standard Test Method for Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer. Philadelphia, Pa, 1991.
2. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. ASTM D 1622: Standard Test Method for Standard Test Method for Apparent Density of Rigid Cellular Plastics. Philadelphia, Pa, 1998.
3. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. ASTM D 2240: Standard Test Method for Rubber Property – Durometer Hardness. Philadelphia, Pa, 1991.
4. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. ASTM D 638-90: Standard Test Method for Tensile Proper-ties of Plastics. Philadelphia, Pa, 1990.
5. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. ASTM D 790M-93: Standard Test Method for Flexural Proper-ties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plas-tics and Electrical Insulanting Materials [Metric]. Philadelphia, Pa, 1993.