Images of Russian Pan-Slavists in German Empire of 1880s


Vlasov N. A.1ORCID,Kolosko E. A.1ORCID


1. St. Petersburg State University


The analysis of Russia’s image in Germany at the end of the 19th century is crucial for understanding the dynamics of the relationship between the two countries. This article aims to reconstruct the image of Russian Pan-Slavism in Germany in the 1880s through the examination of four key figures (I. S. Aksakov, M. N. Katkov, N. P. Ignatyev, and M. D. Skobelev) and compare it with reality. The study draws upon a wide range of German and Russian sources, employing qualitative content analysis as the primary method. The findings indicate that German observers — state officials, party politicians, and publicists — generally accurately assessed the views of those Russian actors labeled as “leaders of PanSlavism.” However, they significantly exaggerated the anti-German orientation of these views and the influence of the “Pan-Slavists” on Russian internal and, primarily, external policy. The “leaders of Pan-Slavism” were attributed much greater influence on Russian politics and society than they actually possessed. Additionally, their thoughts and activities were portrayed as predominantly antiGerman. This situation can be attributed to a lack of information about political decisionmaking in Russia and a preconceived perception of Pan-Slavism primarily as a threat to Germany. Such perceptions contributed to the deterioration of Russian-German relations during the period under consideration.


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