Creative Works of S. Beckett in the Context of “Notes from the Underground” by F. M. Dostoevsky


Markova E. A.1ORCID


1. A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


The results of a comparative analysis of the story “Notes from the Underground” by F. M. Dostoevsky and the works of S. Beckett are presented in the article. It is shown how Beckett critically interprets the main novels of the Russian writer. The novelty of the work is seen in the fact that the problem of Beckett as the “heir” of Dostoevsky and his “Notes from the Underground” is considered in Russian literary criticism for almost the fi time. Based on the plays “Waiting for Godot”, “All that Fall”, the novel “Molloy” and the story “First Love”, the author demonstrates how Dostoevsky’s themes, motives and images are refracted in Beckett’s work. Particular attention is paid to the motive of “underground” love. A similarity was found between Dostoevsky’s story and Beckett’s works in spatial and temporal characteristics (uncertainty of the scene, nonlinearity of time, repetition of situations). It has been proven that these characteristics serve to designate a world without God, in which landmarks and goals are lost, positive and rational foundations are broken. It has been established that for Dostoevsky the Underground remains a “dark corner” behind which there is a “big world”, while for Beckett it fi the whole world.


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Reference15 articles.

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