1. Ayers, C. (1998). An Interpretative Dialogue: “First Love” and Bakhtin’s Categories of Meaning. In: Beckett Versus Beckett, 7. Amsterdam; Atlanta (GA): Rodopi. 391—406. ISBN 9789042007543.
2. Buzina, T. V. (2011). Samoobozheniye melkogo besa v «Zapiskakh iz podpol’ya» F. M. Dostoevskogo [Self-deification of a petty demon in “Notes from the Undergroundˮ by F M Dostoevsky]. Vestnik LGU im A. S. Pushkina [Bulletin of Leningrad State University named after A. Pushkin], 1: 22—30. (In Russ.).
3. Esslin, M. (2010). Teatr absurda [Theater of the absurd]. Sankt-Peterburg: Baltiyskiye sezony. 527 p. ISBN 978-5-903368-40-2.
4. Hoffman, F. (1962). Samuel Beckett: The Language of self. Carbondale (IL): Southern Illinois University Press. 200 p.
5. Kasatkina, T. A. (2019). Dostoevskiy kak filosof i bogoslov: khudozhestvennyy sposob vyskazyvaniya [Dostoevsky as a philosopher and theologian: an artistic way of expressing]. Moskva: Vodoley. 336 p. ISBN 978-5-91763-488-3. (In Russ.).