Analytical Study of Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Level from Different Mobile Base Transceiver Stations in Urban area
Container-title:International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
O. A. Aremu1, O. S. Makinde1, L. O. A. Oyinkanola1, Ademola Akande1
1. Physics Department, The Polytechnic, Ibadan. P.M.B 22, UI Post Office, Ibadan, Nigeria
Several base stations have been installed due to large economy demand for advancement in technologies. In this work, measurements of radiation level emitted from the base stations were made using a hand held GQ-380 EMF RF meter, the distance was measured at the interval of 20 m from the foot of the base station using a digital distance wheel meter. The electric field of the base station was measured using a GM 3120 electromagnetic radiation tester. The experimental results from this study shows that generally, for all base stations considered, the power density increases between (0 – 40 m) from the base stations and it decreases as the distance increases from 40 – 300 m. The maximum radiated value obtained was 13.35% of the Non-ionizing radiation protection standards (ICNIRP) recommended limit and the average power density for the multiple network was found to be 0.021 mW/m2 while that of single network was found to be 0.006 mW/m2, this is far below the recommended safety level standard for public exposure. Going by the low level of radiations obtained from the various locations in this study, it is discovered that all the operators comply with the ICNIRP recommended level which is 0.45 W/m2. It is therefore concluded that the electromagnetic emission from GSM base stations in the selected areas pose no threat to members of the public within this area.
Technoscience Academy
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