Communication Network Anaylsis of “WTS” (Want to Sell) on Twitter
Container-title:International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology
Farhana Nabila Djunaedi 1, Susilowati Dyah K 2, Noviawan Rasyid Ohorella 3, Diana Sari 4, Edy Prihantoro 3
1. Faculty of Communication Science, Gunadarma University, Indonesia. 2. Faculty of Economic, Gunadarma University, Indonesia. 3. Master of Communication Science, Gunadarma University, Indonesia 4. Faculty of Economic, Gunadarma University, Indonesia
This research examines communication networks and key actors in the distribution of information, types of relationships, and communication carried out via computer platforms using the keyword WTS (Want To Sell). This research aims to determine and analyze the communication network and actors involved in the phenomenon of the trending topic "wts (want to sell)". This research uses Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Theory. Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a visualization method for understanding relationships between individuals, which includes a general overview of social networks with the topics discussed. Application of SNA with Netlytic and Gephi models. Data of 10,000 samples was successfully recalled by Netlytic among active Twitter users. This research uses quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The results of the research show that there is degree centrality on the @Indomyfess account, this account is the most dominant actor and has a score of 273, betweenness centrality on the @sunrowf account with a value of 1373.83 as the strongest account in distributing link-related information, closeness centrality is 2,736 nodes which are popular actor in information distribution, and eigenvector centrality on the @indomyfess account with a value of 1.0 as the most important actor in information distribution and continues to be associated with related information. Interaction between actors in the "WTS" communication network occurs because they exchange information about topics surrounding the keyword "WTS."
Technoscience Academy
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