1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
As world is evolving, similarly people's desire, trend, interests are also changing. Same way even in the field of movies, people want to watch the movies according to their interest. Many web-based movie service providers have emerged and to increase their business and popularity, they want to keep their subscribers entertained. To improve their business, the service provider should recommend movies which users might like, so that they might watch another movie and be entertained. By doing this there is high possibility that customers will periodically renew the web-based movie service provider application. The objective of this project is to implement the machine learning based movie recommendation system which can recommend the movies to the users based on their interest and ratings. To achieve this, content-based filtering is used to recommend movie based on movie-movie similarity, collaborative based filtering is used to compute features based on user information and movie information. The proposed system uses the new ensemble learning algorithm, XGBoost algorithm to improve the performance. The results show that the proposed system is effective for movie recommendation and the system minimizes the root mean square error (RMSE).
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