Students Need Analysis of History Lesson Based on a Local Historical Figure of the King Sang Naualuh Damanik


Purba Bayu Astawa1,Sariyatun Mr1,Rejekiningsih Triana1


1. History Education Study Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia


History is a subject that instills students’ enthusiasm to always advance the nation and country as a sense of pride and gratitude for the services of the heroes who had struggled to defend and win Indonesia's independence. Encountering the history of the struggle of the heroes able to encourage younger generation to have a high historical awareness that is reflected in everyday life. Learning history in a school which meets the students’ needs effects a good historical awareness for the students. This study aimed to analyze the students’ needs in learning history based on the local historical figure of the King Sang Naualuh Damanik. This research was conducted at a state high school in Indonesia. Participants in this study were thirty-four of eleventh grade students and a history teacher. This study used a qualitative method by collecting data from questionnaires to thirty-four students and interviews with a history teacher and five students. The results showed that students needed learning media that were integrated with technology in the teaching learning process of history based on local historical figure of the King Sang Naualuh Damanik.


Technoscience Academy


General Medicine

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