1. PG Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, , Maharashtra, India
The security of computer networks has become a very important aspect in
today’s era. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a type of security software
designed to automatically inform administrators when someone is trying to
compromise the information system through malicious activities or security
policy violations. IDS works by monitoring the system functionalities by
checking system vulnerabilities, the integrity of files, and performing analysis of
patterns based on known attacks. Intrusion detection is the cycle called
distinguishing intrusions. The activity which is entering a framework without
consent is called interruption. Interruption Detection Systems are fundamental
for security limits. This paper is focused on the analysis of five different
techniques like k-means clustering and naive Bayes classification, Enhanced kmeans algorithm, random forest, and weighted k-means, k-means clustering,
regression trees algorithm, etc. But some problems are indicated by techniques.
These methods analyzed the restrictions of intrusion detection systems by way
of low accuracy, high incorrect alarm rate, and time consumption. So, to
overcome these problems the proposed method ‘K-means and Classification and
Regression Trees Algorithm’ is used to show good accuracy in performance
analysis with time complexity by using a hybrid data mining method in the
Weka tool. The proposed model of K-means and classification and regression
trees algorithm depends on intrusion detection system that gives proper period
popular huge information measure of these days’ interruption data set.