1. Department of Physics, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Testing and analyzing the water quality had been conducted by combining several characteristics of sensors (temperature, turbidity and heavy metals) integrated in the wireless network system to determine the quality comparator parameters of water worth drinking in coastal areas. Using sensors made of chitosan compounds to detect heavy metals contained in water. Testing was also done using the DS18B20 sensor (temperature) and TDS (salt levels) by operating a wireless network to transmit data in real time to the web through the GPRS network with the automation system. The sampling used purposive sampling by seafront distance, ± 1 km distance and ± 3 km distance. Testing of copper chips with the addition of Chitosan showed a more stable reading result than without using copper plates (read: pure PCB). At Chitosan biosensors, the addition of CMC shows more varied readings compared to using chitosan biosensors alone. The Ds18b20 Sensor was able to work at high temperatures, with stable value readings. From Sensor readings TDS (EC meter), it’s obtained that the higher the water solution, the greater the reading from the TDS sensor. It was shown on a chart that describing the closer to the sea area, the higher the level of the dissolved substances. The tool was accessed in real time through the Thing Speak platform in accordance with the specified account.
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